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B2B e-eksport - Kom og mød hele verden!

Er din virksomhed klar til at realisere eller optimere sin B2B e-eksport? Dét kan nemlig blive din virksomheds vej til vækst og international skalering!

why join?

Copenhagen Health Tech Summit returns for the second year, exploring how technology can help alleviate healthcare staff shortages while enabling better, more efficient healthcare for the benefit of patients, healthcare professionals and society. What do we offer?

  • A full-day, thought-provoking health tech program on stage
  • Hands-on workshops and breakout sessions offering a deep-dive into specific topics
  • An unparallelled opportunity to meet and network with the health tech & healthcare ecosystem
  • Access to our event app: discover fellow attendees, book meetings and interact with our speakers
  • A 1:1 meeting area for those important discussions
  • Every ticket includes break refreshments and a light lunch

And more to be announced..

Read more and sign up here: 

Copenhagen Health Tech Summit 2024 (healthtechhub.org)

Join here

Sign up for the event: 

Copenhagen Health Tech Summit 2024 (healthtechhub.org)